User Guide

Quick Example

Here is an incomplete example. See Advanced Usage below for a more detailed description.

from mypolr import PolrApi, exceptions

# Replace with your values
server_url = ''
api_key = '1234567890abcdef'

# Example url to shorten
long_url = ''

# Create PolrApi instance
api = PolrApi(server_url, api_key)

# Make short urls
shorted_url = api.shorten(long_url)
custom_url = api.shorten(long_url, custom=CUSTOM_ENDING)

# Given a short url ending, find full url and stats:
lookup_dict = api.lookup(SHORT_URL_ENDING)
full_url = lookup_dict.get('long_url')
n_clicks = lookup_dict.get('clicks')

# Secret urls have an additional key after the short url ending
# E.g the format <polr root folder> / SHORT_URL_ENDING / URL_KEY:
secret_url = api.shorten(long_url, is_secret=True)
# Secret lookups require url_key:
secret_lookup = api.lookup(SHORT_URL_ENDING, url_key=URL_KEY)

Advanced Usage

This section is more thorough than the one above, and covers the various errors and edge cases you might encounter with the Polr Project API.

The following examples assume the Polr Project to be installed on a server at https://ti.ny, and that a valid API_KEY is stored in a separate module my_secrets.

Set up API

This is how the API would be set up given the aforementioned (and arbitrary) assumptions:

from mypolr import PolrApi, exceptions
from my_secrets import api_key

# Example url to shorten
long_url = ''

# Your api server url
server_url = 'https://ti.ny'

# Create PolrApi instance
api = PolrApi(server_url, api_key)

Shorten long URLs

Given a long url, the PolrApi.shorten-method produces a short url on the form https://ti.ny / URL_ENDING:

    # Generate a short url with automatic mapping
    automatic_url = api.shorten(long_url)
    # Generate a short url with the ending 'soPython'
    custom_url = api.shorten(long_url, custom_ending='soPython')

    print(automatic_url)    # E.g. https://ti.ny/5N3f8
    print(custom_url)       # E.g. https://ti.ny/soPython
except exceptions.UnauthorizedKeyError:
    print('API_KEY invalid or inactive.')
except exceptions.CustomEndingUnavailable:
    print('Custom ending is already in use: choose another.')
except exceptions.QuotaExceededError:
    print('User account associated with API_KEY has exceeded their quota.')
except exceptions.ServerOrConnectionError:
    print('Check server and/or connection status.')
except exceptions.BadApiRequest:
    print('Something was wrong with the request to server.')
except exceptions.BadApiResponse:
    print('Response from server was not valid JSON.')

Lookup short URLs

The PolrApi.lookup-method accepts either a short url ending, or a full short url, and returns False if no url is found, or returns a dictionary of info about the link.

    # Lookup short url to get info
    url_info = api.lookup('https://ti.ny/soPython')
    url_info = api.lookup('soPython')
    if url_info is False:
        print('No url found with that ending.')
        print('Long url is: {}'.format(url_info.get('long_url')))
except exceptions.UnauthorizedKeyError:
    print('API_KEY invalid or inactive.')
except exceptions.ServerOrConnectionError:
    print('Check server and/or connection status.')
except exceptions.BadApiRequest:
    print('Something was wrong with the request to server.')
except exceptions.BadApiResponse:
    print('Response from server was not valid JSON.')

Lookup result

Response of a successful lookup is a dictionary á la something like this:

    'clicks': 42,
            'date': '2017-12-03 00:40:45.000000',
            'timezone': 'UTC',
            'timezone_type': 3
    'long_url': '',
            'date': '2017-12-03 00:40:45.000000',
            'timezone': 'UTC',
            'timezone_type': 3

Secret URLs

Secret urls differ from normal short urls in the way that they have the form https://ti.ny / URL_ENDING / URL_KEY. The additional part, URL_KEY, is required as a parameter when doing lookup of secret urls.

# Working with secret urls
secret_long_url = ''

# Can still use both automatic or custom mapping
secret_url = api.shorten(secret_long_url, is_secret=True)
secret_custom_url = api.shorten(secret_long_url, custom_ending='soSecret', is_secret=True)

print(secret_url)           # E.g. https://ti.ny/gztns/bXL2
print(secret_custom_url)    # E.g. https://ti.ny/soSecret/F3iH

    secret_url_info = api.lookup('soPython', url_key='F3iH')
except exceptions.UnauthorizedKeyError:
    print('Your URL_KEY is wrong, or the API_KEY is invalid.')


The exceptions.UnauthorizedKeyError in the previous example is the sole catch in order to simplify the example about secret lookups, but as seen in Lookup short URLs above, this isn’t the only exception that could be raised.

Ignoring Errors

The exceptions.no_raise-decorator has been applied to both PolrApi.shorten_no_raise and PolrApi.lookup_no_raise, and will act as their corresponding normal methods, but will return None instead of raising module exceptions upon errors.

The PolrApi.lookup_no_raise-method still returns False when no url is found (if no error occurs).

# Use the _no_raise-methods to return None instead of exceptions as above
short_url = api.shorten_no_raise(long_url)
url_info = api.lookup_no_raise('soPython')

if short_url is None:
    print('There was an error with the url shortening process.')

if url_info is False:
    print('No url with that ending.')
elif url_info is None:
    print('There was an error with the url lookup process.')


Even though the use of *_no_raise-methods allows for easy check of failure/success, there is no feedback of what went wrong upon failure.


The *_no_raise-methods will still raise other exceptions, and ONLY errors derived from MypolrError will instead return None.

CLI usage

CLI-support was added in version 1.3 and is supported for Python >= 3.4.


Assuming Polr Project is intalled on https://ti.ny and that your API_KEY is abcdef1234567890, below is a few examples. Read full description of the interface further down.

Basic example, performs the default PolrApi.shorten action.

python -m mypolr --server https://ti.ny --key abcdef1234567890

Set -l/--lookup option to perform PolrApi.lookup action.

python -m mypolr https://ti.ny/5Bn8V --lookup

In the previous example, no server configuration values were used. They, including the key, can be saved in plaintext to ~/.mypolr/config.ini with the --save option. This will load the saved values if not presented upon invocation.

python -m mypolr --server https://ti.ny --key abcdef1234567890 --save

Clear the config.ini-file with the --clear option.

python -m mypolr --clear

CLI description

Interacts with the Polr Project’s API.

User Guide and documentation:

usage: mypolr [-h] [-v] [-s SERVER] [-k KEY] [--api-root API_ROOT] [-c CUSTOM]
              [--secret] [-l] [--save] [--clear]

Positional Arguments

url The url to process.

Named Arguments

-v, --version

Print version and exit.

Default: False

API server arguments

Use these for configure the API. Can be stored locally with –save.

-s, --server Server hosting the API.
-k, --key API_KEY to authenticate against server.

API endpoint root.

Default: “/api/v2/”

Action options

Configure the API action to use.

-c, --custom Custom short url ending.

Set option if using secret url.

Default: False

-l, --lookup

Perform lookup action instead of shorten action.

Default: False

Manage credentials

Use these to save, delete or update SERVER, KEY and/or API_ROOT locally in ~/.mypolr/config.ini.


Save configuration (including credentials) in plaintext(!).

Default: False


Clear configuration.

Default: False

NOTE: if configurations are saved, they are stored as plain text on disk, and can be read by anyone with access to the file.