Source code for mypolr.exceptions

All Mypolr exceptions are inherited from :class:`MypolrError` and are defined in this file.
from functools import wraps

[docs]def no_raise(f): """Decorator/wrapper function to force return None instead of raising module exceptions. Exceptions that can be ignored are found in mypolr.exceptions.""" @wraps(f) def new_f(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except MypolrError: pass return None return new_f
[docs]class MypolrError(Exception): """ Base class for all module exceptions """
[docs]class DebugTempWarning(MypolrError): """Temporary Warning that should be removed""" def __init__(self): super(DebugTempWarning, self).__init__('This should not happen')
[docs]class CustomEndingUnavailable(MypolrError): """Raised when a custom ending is in use and therefore cannot be created. :param str custom_ending: the custom ending that was unavailable """ def __init__(self, custom_ending): msg = 'Custom ending already in use: {}'.format(custom_ending) super(CustomEndingUnavailable, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class BadApiRequest(MypolrError): """Raised when a request is malformed or otherwise is not understandable by server.""" def __init__(self): msg = 'HTTP 400 Bad Request: Request malformed, or arguments do not fit the required data type.' super(BadApiRequest, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class BadApiResponse(MypolrError): """Raised when a response is malformed and cannot be interpreted as valid JSON.""" def __init__(self, msg='Cannot interpret API response: invalid JSON.'): super(BadApiResponse, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class UnauthorizedKeyError(MypolrError): """Raised when an invalid key has been used in a request. This refers either to: the API_KEY used in all endpoints, or the URL_KEY optionally used at the lookup endpoint. :param msg: :type msg: """ def __init__(self, msg=None): msg = msg or 'API_KEY invalid or inactive.' super(UnauthorizedKeyError, self).__init__('HTTP 401 Unauthorized: {}'.format(msg))
[docs]class QuotaExceededError(MypolrError): """Admins may assign quotas to users, and this is raised when it's exceeded and service stopped.""" def __init__(self): msg = 'HTTP 403 Forbidden: quota is exceeded.' super(QuotaExceededError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class ServerOrConnectionError(MypolrError): """Raised when there is a timeout, internal server error, or any other connection error.""" def __init__(self, caused=None): msg = 'API cannot be reached. Check connection or server status.' if caused is not None: msg = '{} ({})'.format(msg, caused) super(ServerOrConnectionError, self).__init__(msg)