Source code for test_mypolr

import requests
import responses
import pytest
import sys

from mypolr import PolrApi, DEFAULT_API_ROOT, exceptions as polr_errors

[docs]class ResponseErrorMap: """Maps sets of ``responses.add()``-arguments to expected exceptions. .. _pytest: .. _responses: This works with pytest_ and responses_. Either pass mappings to initializer, or add them as pairs with ``add(response_args, errors)``: .. code-block:: python response_args = [ dict(status=401, json=dict(error='please authorize')), dict(status=500, json=dict(error='internal error')), dict(body=requests.RequestException()), dict(body=ValueError()) ] errors = [ UnauthorizedKeyError, ServerOrConnectionError, ServerOrConnectionError, BadApiResponse, ] rmap = ResponseErrorMap(response_args, errors) which is the equivalent of doing this: .. code-block:: python rmap = ResponseErrorMap() rmap.add(dict(status=401, json=dict(error='please authorize')), UnauthorizedKeyError) rmap.add(dict(status=500, json=dict(error='internal error')), ServerOrConnectionError) rmap.add(dict(body=requests.RequestException()), ServerOrConnectionError) rmap.add(dict(body=ValueError()), BadApiResponse) *After* (and **only** after) mappings have been added, the ``make_error_tests()`` can be called. E.g.: .. code-block:: python rmap.make_error_tests(my_api.action, 'foo', 42, dict(user='Alice', pass='pass123')) This will: - add all ``response_args`` entries with ``responses.add(*args)``, and then - call the ``my_api.action()``-method with given arguments for each entry in the ``ResponseErrorMap``, but in a ``pytest.raises()``-context, like so: .. code-block:: python for error in self.errors: with pytest.raises(error): my_api.action('foo', 42, dict(user='Alice', pass='pass123')) :param response_args: list of dictionaries that will be the arguments for the given test :type response_args: list of dictionaries or None :param errors: list of exceptions that should be raised given when the corresponding response from response_args is used. :type errors: list or None :param common_kwargs: :type common_kwargs: dict or None """ def __init__(self, endpoint, response_args=None, errors=None, common_kwargs=None): self.endpoint = endpoint self.response_args = response_args or [] self.errors = errors or [] self.common_kwargs = common_kwargs or {}
[docs] def add(self, response_kwargs, error): """ :param response_kwargs: a dictionary of arguments to ``response.add()`` :type response_kwargs: dict or None :param error: the error that pytest should expect with ``pytest.raises(error)``. :type error: type(Exception) :return: None """ self.response_args.append(response_kwargs) self.errors.append(error)
@responses.activate def make_error_tests(self, f, *args, **kwargs): for kws in self.response_args: kws.update(self.common_kwargs) responses.add('GET', self.endpoint, **kws) for error in self.errors: with pytest.raises(error): f(*args, **kwargs)
def json_action(action, result, **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs or {} kwargs.update(dict(action=action, result=result)) return kwargs def create_api(): # Add trailing '/' to api_server to verify cleanup has been made # Don't add preceding '/' to api_root to verify cleanup has been made return PolrApi(api_server='https://ti.ny/', api_key=api_key, api_root='api/v2') long_url = '' api_key = 'test_key' api = create_api() api_server = api.api_server api_root = api.api_root short_url = '{}/abcd'.format(api_server) shorten_resp = json_action('shorten', short_url) lookup_resp = json_action('lookup', dict(long_url=long_url)) def test_endpoint_url_building(): assert api.api_shorten_endpoint == api_server + '/api/v2/action/shorten' assert api.api_lookup_endpoint == api_server + '/api/v2/action/lookup' # The next one is not implemented, but the endpoint should be correct anyway assert api.api_link_data_endpoint == api_server + '/api/v2/data/link' class TestMakeRequest: @responses.activate def test_success(self): assert shorten_resp == dict(action='shorten', result=short_url) responses.add('GET', api.api_shorten_endpoint, json=shorten_resp, status=200) data, r = api._make_request(api.api_shorten_endpoint, dict(url=long_url)) assert r.status_code == 200 assert data == shorten_resp def test_errors(self): # Use dummy endpoint as _make_requests is sensitive # to endpoints with regards to raising errors endpoint = 'https://ti.ny/dummy/fails' rmap = ResponseErrorMap(endpoint) rmap.add(dict(status=401, json=shorten_resp), polr_errors.UnauthorizedKeyError) rmap.add(dict(status=400, json=shorten_resp), polr_errors.BadApiRequest) rmap.add(dict(status=500, json=shorten_resp), polr_errors.ServerOrConnectionError) rmap.add(dict(body='this is not JSON'), polr_errors.BadApiResponse) rmap.add(dict(body=ValueError()), polr_errors.BadApiResponse) rmap.add(dict(body=requests.RequestException()), polr_errors.ServerOrConnectionError) rmap.make_error_tests(api._make_request, endpoint, {}) class TestShorten: @responses.activate def test_success(self): responses.add('GET', api.api_shorten_endpoint, json=shorten_resp, status=200) assert api.shorten(long_url) == short_url assert api.shorten(long_url, 'custom') == short_url assert api.shorten(long_url, 'custom', True) == short_url assert api.shorten(long_url, is_secret=True) == short_url def test_errors(self): rmap = ResponseErrorMap(api.api_shorten_endpoint) rmap.add(dict(status=400, json=shorten_resp), polr_errors.BadApiRequest) rmap.add(dict(status=403, json=shorten_resp), polr_errors.QuotaExceededError) rmap.make_error_tests(api.shorten, long_url, custom_ending=None, is_secret=False) rmap = ResponseErrorMap(api.api_shorten_endpoint) rmap.add(dict(status=400, json=shorten_resp), polr_errors.CustomEndingUnavailable) rmap.make_error_tests(api.shorten, long_url, custom_ending='someCustomEnding', is_secret=False) class TestLookup: @responses.activate def test_success(self): responses.add('GET', api.api_lookup_endpoint, json=lookup_resp, status=200) assert api.lookup(long_url).get('long_url') == long_url assert api.lookup(long_url, 'a_secret').get('long_url') == long_url @responses.activate def test_not_found(self): responses.add('GET', api.api_lookup_endpoint, json={}, status=404) assert api.lookup(short_url) is False def test_errors(self): rmap = ResponseErrorMap(api.api_lookup_endpoint) rmap.add(dict(status=401, json=lookup_resp), polr_errors.UnauthorizedKeyError) rmap.make_error_tests(api.lookup, short_url, url_key='a_secret') class TestCliArgs: def test_parser(self): from mypolr import is_cli_supported if not is_cli_supported: # Skip tests for old versions for which CLI usage is not supported return from mypolr.cli import get_args as _get_args none_kws = 'url server key custom'.split() bool_kws = 'version secret lookup save clear'.split() flags_true = ['--{}'.format(kw) for kw in bool_kws] args = _get_args([]) assert args.api_root == DEFAULT_API_ROOT for kw in bool_kws: assert kw in args assert getattr(args, kw) is False for kw in none_kws: assert kw in args assert getattr(args, kw) is None args = _get_args(flags_true) for kw in bool_kws: assert kw in args assert getattr(args, kw) is True